
I auditioned with every other young actor and actress in New York in the summer of 1979. Ask Sean Cunningham, the director/producer & he’ll tell you that they saw everyone! I was signed to a commercial agent at the time but you really needed (still do) a theatrical agent to get an audition with the movie’s casting directors. In this case it was the legendary Barry Moss & Julie Hughes.

When Screenwriter Victor Miller said that there was a child needed for a drowning scene in a lake, the first suggestion was Sean's son Noel. However, Mrs. Cunningham would have none of that. Producer Steve Miner, remembered me from"MANNY'S ORPHANS", and said, "Hey, why not Ari?".

I won an Emmy for NBC After School Special. I was in a hit Off Broadway show that ran for couple of years. Then I was hired for Friday The Thirteenth and started my career. I believe Steve Miner and John Sayles Moved to....

Well I was really excited at first when my mom told me I was up for the part in the new Halloween movie, I loved Michael Myers as a character....until she said..."oh never mind its the other one "Friday the 13th" and I said..."Oh....whats that?" But I did my research and watched a bit of it and then got excited to be in the movie.

Erich reveals some truly great stories about his time filming with Director Joe Zito, actress Kimberly Beck, and of course Corey Feldman. Erich is also an author now, so make sure to check out his website for more information about him and his new novel at

I was just about out of the business when my brother noticed they were casting this film. He called and told me to get in touch with Danny...I don't know exactly how I found his number, but I called. Turned out there were no parts but little ones. He gave me, "Billy".

My father was the actor. My parents separated and my father took off to Hollywood to become an actor. He was a well known stage actor in New York and was signed with the prestigious William Morris Agency. He guest starred on television shows like Lou Grant, Police Story and MASH.

On a few occasions, Frank Mancuso Jr. and his sister would visit the Ranch during the shoot. Cathryn did not remember much else about his visit. Interestingly enough, her family has a small connection to the Mancuso’s as her father knew Frank Mancuso Sr. from a time way before he was CEO of Paramount!

I was called in by the casting directors for a film called "REPETITION" I was told about the character...what "Pam Roberts was all about". I went into the hallway of the building and prepared myself to do a scene in which I am about to be murdered! I entered the room filled with casting directors, the director,and Frank Mancuso, Jr. I threw open the door and started the scene.

Rumors are a funny thing. Rarely, do they speak of truth. No the sex scene with John was not shot in a graphic way. It was all make-believe. Danny is a fabulous man—always kind, considerate and always careful that I was covered as well as possible. No I didn’t know about his background in the porn industry, but that would not have changed my thoughts about him

John was brought onto the production by his good friend Tom Morga, as the two were stuntmen in Hollywood films. Tom was unable to portray Jason/Roy for a scheduled one day shoot as he was going to be running in a marathon on that day. So, John Hock was there to fill in. During that shoot, John portrayed the pseudo Jason/Roy character that falls from the barn in the film's climax.

Jensen was blown away by the sheets as memories began to flood back from what sounded like a very fun time in her life. Just looking at the actor's names and certain places where they filmed seemed to be a real treat for her and she thought it was the coolest thing that these sheets had been preserved.

To guarantee the producers and director were sold on him, he added multiple layers of clothing to make him look bigger than he really is. V.C. mentioned to me that he knew he was a smaller guy and thought this would give the appearance that he had a boxer's body. Well, his layering of clothes worked as he got the part.

The makeup took about an hour and I wasn’t nervous about the appliance of the makeup, but getting a cast made of my head so they could make the appliance was a little nervewracking. The KNB guys encased ......

As for the drowning parts, I tried my best, but they had a stunt double just in case. It was tough because my dentures kept falling out, and my contacts kept slipping. The worst part was because water got stuck in the pocket between my real eye and my ‘dead eye’. So the makeup artist had to keep popping out the glass eye and draining it.

I was on the film for a couple days. The water sequence took a lot of preparation. They realized that when I got wet, I looked too skinny in the clothes, so they had to bulk me up with pads and extra clothing so it would look like I was still big. Being with all this extra weight, one eye covered, a machete in one hand, Freddy’s head in another hand, and being totally submerged in water, made that scene very difficult.

There were two challenging aspects of filming the role of Mrs. Voorhees for Paula. The first involved the scene in the boiler room where Mrs. Voorhees was yelling at Jason while running down the stairs to the first level. Paula mentioned this to be a little exhausting as she had to keep looking directly at Jason while running and also had the added obstacle of stairs to watch for.

This decision sent shockwaves through the Friday the 13th fan community. Ken, however, had nothing but high Praise for Freddy vs Jason Director Ronny Yu and his approach to Jason for the film. Two key points that Ken touched on during his time filming was his restrictions on stunt work and just how slow Jason walked.

Writing on the movie was held up by the writers strike so with a looming shoot date development of the script was drawn instead of written. Marcus and I had a great opportunity to stamp our mark on the film. Shannon and Swift were open to a lot of our suggestions so when the strike was over a lot of what we’d drawn was incorporated into a new version of the script.

Well, I think that the Friday the 13th films in many ways have become a Brand. People know what to expect. I think my music is a vital part of that Brand. It sounds like Friday the 13th. The original materials from part one still exist and play a big part in all six of the scores, each one however has its own added sound which is usually based on...

I originally had the idea when I went to a screening of Friday the 13th Part 3 in 3-D, at the NuArt Theatre in Los Angeles, in August 2002. It was the 20th anniversary of the movie, and they were showing it in 3-D for the first time in many years. A few of the actors from the movie had been invited, including Larry Zerner...

My good friend Geoff Garrett, who was our third partner on "Crystal Lake Memories" (we met when Geoff worked for Sean Cunningham at Crystal Lake Entertainment), just happened to be working on the TV show "Psych" which is up the hall from the production company that was contracted by Paramount to create the Deluxe Editions of "Friday the 13th." Geoff put the word out that I was already involved...