Low Carb Comedy Is Back With Jason Voorhees Music Video ‘Social Mediasochist Part II’

It has already been four years since Director/writer Zoran Gvojic unleashed his totally awesome music video homage to slasher films, but more specifically, the John Hughes teen movies. I always wanted to see more and now we are very close to a sequel!
Zoran directed the slasher romance video for the song “Social Mediasochist”, by Chicago band Common Shiner. The video, created by Zoran and his LowCarbComedy group, has a teenage Jason Voorhees and his friend Freddy Krueger attending Wes Craven’s Slasher High School. The pair try to get Jason to hook up with the most beautiful girl in school. Of course, things don't always go well for Jason and his quest to get the girl, and hijinks with Michael Myers and other slasher villains ensue.
The sequel video is being planned right now and a brand new Kickstarter campaign just went live yesterday to to raise $5,000 to make it happen.
Lowcarbcomedy.com and Morgan Foster return for the next bloody chapter in the story of Jason Voorhees and Carrie White. This sequel to their viral hit music video Common Shiner’s Social Mediasochist (Over 35 million views) is based on the song “On and On” from Morgan Foster’s new album Life Neurotica. In order to make an appropriately epic and blood filled sequel they are calling on you to help them raise the funds to realize their vision. Cramming 100’s of horror Easter Eggs into a video isn’t cheap, but you won’t be going home empty handed for helping them out! Rewards include Exclusive T-Shirts, Personalized Torture Videos from Jigsaw, Hangouts with YouTube Personailty Dead Meat (Creator of Kill Count), the return of 5 Second Films' Satan and even a double date with Jason Voorhees and Carrie! So put down that machete and donate some blood money today to help make Social Mediasochist II a gruesome reality!
Twitter and Instagram: @lowcarbcomedy
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lowcarbcomedy
Twitter and Instagram: @fosterthemorgan
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fostertunes/
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