Check Out This Replica Tommy Jarvis 'Zaxxon' Mask From 'Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter'

One of the more nostalgic scenes in the franchise is when Tommy Jarvis is playing the video game Zaxxon in Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter. Anyone who grew up in the 1980's can appreciate the game, but the scene also introduces an anonymous Alien mask that Tommy is wearing while playing the game and it has gained a little bit of a following in the mask collecting community over the years. The same mask was also used less than a year later for the production of Friday the 13th: A New Beginning for which an older Tommy Jarvis takes the mask with him to the Pinehurst halfway house and uses it to teach Reggie "the reckless" a lesson.

The Alien mask used in both films was solely created by effects legend Alec Gillis over one night, according to Tom Savini, and has captured the creative eye of artist James Ferreira. Check out his mask recreation, titled Zaxxon, below and appreciate the detail he put into this one of a kind collector mask. James currently has some of these masks available on the Jason Lives Facebook Group for $275.

If interested, visit the Facebook group and contact him for details.

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