Prince Charles Cinema's Friday The 13th Marathon In January!

We hinted last week on Facebook and Twitter that U.K. residents were going to be treated to a special Friday the 13th experience in the very near future. Waiting for confirmation on dates was the only thing keeping us from announcing the news, but now we have full information for fans that is pretty exciting.

Prince Charles Cinema will be featuring the first four films in the Friday the 13th film franchise on Friday January 13, 2012! This mini marathon features four of the most beloved films in the series; Friday the 13th 1980, Friday the 13th Part 2, Friday The 13th Part 3, and Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter. Unfortunately, Part 3 will not be shown in 3D, but that will not deter fans from having a fun experience.

Make sure to visit for theater information in London and check out the banner below for showtimes and prices!


  1. Looks like fun. Too bad I am in the US. Hope there is something like this in my area in the States!

  2. I am sure somewhere there will be a showing or two in the US for F13th! Wnent to the website for this theater and it looks really cool. They show a ton of awesome 80's movies!

  3. It looks as though the UK has something on us for a change when it comes to the movies. Congrats and have fun!

  4. Argg! I will be taking a trip to London in February. The theater looks sick. It would have been nice to check this out.


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