Friday the 13th: The Obsession Shoots This Week!

Our visitors were recently notified of an awesome stand alone episode of Diary Of A Black Widow where couples are stalked by future Friday the 13th obsessed fan Hannah Townsend. Even better news has now come from Timberwolf West that shooting of the web series Friday the 13th: The Obsession begins this week!

Below is from the most recent blog entry where the first shooting episode is explained and photos of the shoot are promised in the near future!

From Timberwolf Blog:

Beginning out of sequence, Episode 3 starts shooting first with the rest falling into place after that. This first episode is actually rather calm and character driven, but some Jason moments will be shot, and we will post some pictures for you. There as been much talk about what Obsession is like on the whole, and the best way to describe it is a series for fans who grew up with Jason, but are older now and looking for something a bit deeper and more complex. It's a series for fans by fans and shows how a film character like Jason can become part of our life and thoughts and even feelings. We are not trying to make something 'better' than the films, but just something different and more personal for fans.

Source:  Timberwolf Blog


  1. Bring it on! Good luck to everyone involved in filming. :)

  2. Looking forward to the images! Good luck everyone.

  3. Excited to see some pics as well!

  4. Master Of The MoonJuly 6, 2011 at 7:27 AM

    Very much am looking forward to this!

  5. I love the way Tim summed it up.  It makes a lot of sense, and I have a feeling it will truly resonate with fans on a level deeper than some may expect.


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