New Friday The 13th Television Show In Development?

Last year at the Weekend of Horrors convention in Germany a participant named Ph1b3s wrote me and discussed the events and his experiences with the actors that attended. He was able to meet Ari Lehman and found out some interesting information on a television series he was trying to develop.

The story for the show would take place in-between Friday the 13th 1980 film and Friday the 13th Part 2 and feature Jason Voorhees in his teen years, living off of the land and possibly claiming some of his first victims. It was mentioned that Sean Cunningham has approved the project and now the show is waiting to receive a greenlight from a network.

The fact that a teen Jason was mentioned does not seem to fit with the original timeline of the series, so it is possible that we would see a more adult Jason, before he was to start his homicidal ways. It would seem very unlikely that such a series would ever be picked up by a network, but it is an interesting idea and one that could work with the right setup and network. Perhaps, AMC would take a shot at this as they gambled with The Walking Dead and it paid off huge for that network.

There has been no new updates on this as of yet, but if the wheels start turning, we will let everyone know. Would the fans turn out and watch a series of Jason haunting Crystal Lake?


  1. I'd love a series like this. Plus a TV show would give a lot of oportunity for a well developed plot, which this series has never really had. Fans could choose to accept a TV show as cannon or not. Like that Terminator TV show FOX had. A teen jason show would be great. It could be a knock off of Dawson's Creek but Jason pops up every episode and ices one of the kids. Call it 'Jason's Lake'. The intro could be some dreamy overhead shot of some James Vanderbutt looking kid on a dock at sun down, WB style, 'the Jason's lake' font comes on screen and BAM! teen Jason pulls the kid under the dock, the show starts......

  2. Ha Ha, that would be a hilarious opening!

    I do think this type of show could work, but I have to agree that a network like AMC or SyFy would have to run with it. It would be interesting to see if this could pull in enough ratings to stay past a 1st season.

  3. This would be an awesome idea, but I don't see this ever happening. Isn't there a ton of rights issues just to get a movie made. Would the filmmmakers really go through all of the trouble just for a tv series?

  4. guess Jason shows are the cool thing to do now LOL


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