Frank n Con Offers Friday Stars and Camp Blood Relief

It is almost impossible to keep up with all of the conventions that are featuring Friday the 13th stars. We do try our best, so we recently just found out about Frank n Con, a new convention in El Paso, Texas that currently has three Friday the 13th stars signed on as well as good news for those stranded by the Camp Blood Friday the 30th Reunion.

Frank n Con will be honering all tickets that were purchased for the now seemingly defunt 30th reunion. The El Paso event takes place considerably later than the May 13th Camp Blood scheduled date, but if you live in the Texas area, this may be a way to use your tickets after all. Frank n Con takes place October 29-30, 2011. For more information visit their website,

Meanwhile, take a look at the Friday the 13th guests that are booked already and have fun if you decide to attend!


  1. I won't be able to get out to Texas in October, but it's cool that they have Tom Mathews and Tiffany Helm already onboard.

  2. Especially if you live in the area, having the opportunity to go and meet these three stars would be well worth it!


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