Venerable Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter Actor Erich Anderson Passes Away

Really sad news from late Friday night as one of my favorite actors from the franchise, Erich Anderson, has passed away from a long battle with cancer. His wife Saxon Trainor posted about his passing on Instagram.

I had the pleasure of talking to Erich on a few occasions, in person and over the phone. He was a very kind man who came from a military family and was a dedicated husband as well as an exceptional author. You can find his work at He joined this site’s short lived podcast for an episode to talk about his experiences on the set of Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter portraying Rob Dier as well as other life experiences. You can listen to that episode now.

I was very lucky to get to know a great actor and human being who not only left an indelible mark on the Friday The 13th franchise, but also the plethora of movies and tv shows he was a part of. 

Cancer is terrible, and I sympathize with his family and loved ones while they mourn this great man. We will all miss you Erich.

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