Friday The 13th Props Museum Owner Selling Replica Part 7 Hock Mold

The year 2010 contained a lot of energy in the Friday The 13th community, mainly due to the release of the Platinum Dunes reboot from the previous year. Memorabilia and prop collecting for the franchise was at an all time high and one day Mario Kirner, who owns numerous screen used props from the films, announced that he was going to be offering Part 7 replica hockey masks. Now, this usually is not something that would get serious collectors excited, but what Mario was offering was replica masks made using a mold created from the original screen used mask from Friday The 13th Part 7: The New Blood.

Mario offered two types of replica masks that came from the same mold. The Black 7 was originally set to be a limited run of 50 masks, with each painted to match the look of the film and individually numbered. That run never even made it to 50, making those masks even more valuable. Eventually, some of these masks would be repainted by very well known artists in the hockey mask hobby, but the original painted masks are excellent. I own one of the first masks created and it will never leave my collection.

The Red 7 mask had a bigger run, I believe, and were unpainted. The masks are red blanks and were quicker to produce without the labor of painting to match the film. These masks were circulated into the collecting community shortly after the release of the Black 7 and are still very popular and highly sought after seven years later.

If you are collector or hobbyist and have never been able to obtain one of these replica masks, well now you have an opportunity to make your own. Mario Kirner is selling the mold! That's right, he has posted the mold for sale and it is currently on eBay. The auction ends on 01/07/18. If you ever wanted to own a screen accurate piece of the franchise, this is pretty darn close to doing so. Not only could you create your own screen accurate replica of Jason's hockey mask from Part 7, but you could enjoy a nice little side business supplying replicas to eager fans.

Foe those of you who are interested, visit the Ebay auction and good luck in your adventure in trying to own this once in a life time Friday The 13th item.

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