Cracked Magazine Offers Friday The 13th Franchise Body Count List Via 1993

Cracked Magazine was a seminal magazine for many kids growing up in the 80's and into the 1990's. Much like its counterpart Mad Magazine, Cracked gave heavy doses of satirical views on pop culture topics current for the time and often pulled off some pretty hilarious jabs at whoever or whatever was their target. Of course, the Friday The 13th film franchise was the subject of many cartoons and stories contained within the pages of the publication, especially during the peak of the magazine when Jason Voorhees was not as much nostalgia as he is now, but more of a current topic.

So, it was with great pleasure that we dug up a very old, but interesting and somewhat misinformed body count list that was published in a April 1993 issue of Cracked magazine. Yes, this was right in the beginning of New Line Cinema releasing their own brand of Jason Voorhees films, so what we have listed below is for the first eight Paramount films. Take notice and try to find the numerous mistakes and shocking omissions from each film. We don't want to take anything away from the list because the icons used to depict the weapons used in each character's death is clever and quite fun, but errors are always fun to nitpick and discuss.

Can you list out the errors and omissions from the list? Does anyone have the actual issue this list resides from?

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