Help Tommy Jarvis And Shelly Battle Zombies In 'The Epidemic'

Our site does not promote crowd funding programs for films usually, but one project that just popped up on our radar might get our readers interested. Would you like to see Tommy Jarvis and Shelly fight the zombie plague? Well, we have some news for you.

"A meteor hits earth, carrying an alien virus that turns humans into flesh hungry, zombies."

That's the tagline for The Epidemic. A brand new film looking for funding to produce and distribute the film. The movie stars Friday The 13th franchise alumni Corey Feldman (Tommy Jarvis, Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter) and Larry Zerner (Shelly, Friday The 13th Part 3). There are also a slew of other well known genre actors involved including Danny Trejo and Eric Roberts.

From the Indiegogo page
The whole production budget The Epidemic is  $1.4 million. From that we have secured $750,000 from Canada by applying to various funds. Both Producers Nigel Hartwell and Michael Lind have invested a total of $70,000 of their own money to secure movie stars: Danny Trejo (Machete, Predators, From Dusk till Dawn), Corey Feldmen (The Goonies, Gremlins, Lost Boys Trilogy), Eric Roberts (The Dark Knight, The Expendables), Chris Owen (American Pie Franchise, The Mist, Van Wilder) and Angelina Love (TNA wrestling Knockout Champ). 

If you're interested in seeing Larry Zerner and Corey Feldman battling zombies and want to contribute to the film, visit the Indiegogo page now. If you're still on the fence, watch the pitch video by Larry Zerner below.

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