Behind The Scenes: Hocketts Family Photo From Friday The 13th Part 3

After recapping the events of the previous film, Friday The 13th Part 3 shifts to a Crystal Lake diner owned by Harold and Edna Hockett. The unlikely couple are seen in what must be their regular nightly routine of knitting, sneaking food and an unhealthy amount of time drinking while sitting on the toilet. While the couple is never seen on-screen smiling with each other, we like to think they were happy together at some point.

Thanks to actor Steve Susskind (Harold Hockett), fans have an opportunity to see Harold and Edna in a lighter moment with the below behind the scenes image, provided to Peter Bracke's Crystal Lake Memories. It's a neat little image that gives a clearer picture of the two actors and the amount of fun they were having on set of Part 3.

What are your favorite moments of the Hockett's in the film?

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