Pair Of Jason Voorhees Actors Invade March 2013 Convention

The 2012 Horror convention season is winding down and with the holiday season upon us, we haven't expected to get too many announcements for 2013 events as of yet, however, this past week we have had a number of Friday The 13th guest announcements for various shows for next year. How about we report on some more alumni for fans, and they happened to play Jason Vooorhees in a number of films.

According to the Official Website for the Monster Mania Horror Convention, C.J. Graham (Jason Lives: Friday The Part 6) and Kane Hodder (Friday the 13th Part 7, Part 8, Jason Goes To Hell, Jason X) will attending the Monster Mania Con 24 in Cherry Hill, New Jersey March 8-10 2013. If you want to meet these iconic actors in person, make sure to visit the convention website,, for all of  the info and details!

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