Friday The 13th Part 7: The New Blood Soundtrack Includes More Than Just Manfredini And Mollin

For those fans that pay particular attention to film scores, Friday The 13th Part 7: The New Blood represents a rare hybrid score, one that consists of stock music from Harry Manfredini's past Friday The 13th films and a small sampling of Paramount's film score guy, Fred Mollin. Of course, this also signaled the changing of the guard, for a small moment of time, as Mollin would go on to score Friday The 13th Part 8: Jason Takes Manhattan. What always seems to be lost in the mix with this hybrid score is that there was also a pretty decent music selection from various artists that should have had it's own soundtrack release.

There is a lot of music that plays in the background during the film, particularly at the party house next door to the family home of Tina and her mother Mrs. Shepard. So many fans have watched The New Blood that the music playing in the background has probably been drowned out over the years. If you listen closely, however, the seventh movie in the film franchise might boast the best soundtrack overall. Alice Cooper fans, don't get upset just yet.

The Canadian progressive rock group FM contributed a majority of the music to the film for which some of their songs can only be heard briefly during scenes. However, their music can also be heard quite distinctly during many other scenes at the party house. The following is a list of songs for which can be heard throughout The New Blood.

- Magic (In Your Eyes)
- Take The Time To Dream
- The Real Thing 
- Dream Girl
- I'm Not Mad (Ready For The World)

All of these songs can be found on the group's album Tonight and available for purchase on iTunes. Below are a few of the songs from FM, in their entirety, along with the scenes you can hear them in.

I'm Not Mad (Ready For The World)
This song can be heard while Sandra and Eddie are engaging in "relations" outside in the van.

Magic (In Your Eyes)
This song can be heard during numerous conversations at the party house in one scene, but one interaction it can be heard clearly is when Melissa deceived Eddie by telling him she thinks he is cute.

Stan Meissner, along with Metropolis member Peter Fredette, are responsible for creating the Friday The 13th Part 8: Jason Takes Manhattan title track The Darkest Side Of The Night. Most fans love that song and it took years to find the truth behind that music. Stan Meissner, however, contributed two of his solo songs to The New Blood, both of which are featured prominently in the film. The following are the songs from the film.

- Coming Out Of Nowhere
- Heart of Ice

The two songs can be found his Windows To Light album, but that is currently out of print and his songs are not available on iTunes at this time. Below are the songs from Stan Meissner, in their entirety, and the scenes they can be heard in.

Coming Out Of NoWhere
This is heard in the scene where Melissa and Eddie taunt Tina about being in a "mental hospital".

Heart Of Ice
This song can be heard in the scene where Nick first brings Tina over to the party house to introduce her to everyone.

Hopefully this shows Friday The 13th fans that there is some pretty exceptional tracks on display for Friday The 13th part 7: The New Blood. The fact that Stan Meissner and composer Fred Mollin began their franchise stint by contributing to Part 7 and then graduated to being the driving force behind the music in Part 8, shows another great example of how the Paramount films were a family affair, something that sorely lacks in today's films.

Big thanks to Facebook user "Enrique Hld" for sharing his Youtube links with us from the band FM
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