Kane Hodder As Chillerama's Frankenstein

Directors Adam Green, Joe Lynch, Adam Rifkin and Tim Sullivan have concocted their very own anthology horror film that promises to bring back the days of George Romero's and Tom Savini's inspired Creepshow offering from the 1980's. Adam Green just recently posted a new image from his portion of the anthology, The Diary of Anne Frankenstein, from his Twitter account featuring Kane Hodder!

The image posted below is of Kane Hodder in make-up for the title character of Frankenstein's monster for Green's portion of the film. Chillerama is due to hit DVD on November 29, 2011 and we look forward to seeing what the four Directors involved have in store for the viewers. What does everyone think, will Kane's character walk or run?!


  1. Heard some great things about this film. Hope it delivers and that Kane plays a mean Frankenstein's monster!

  2. Can't wait to see this!!!!  Kane as Frank!!  Way cool!!!


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