Friday the 13th: The Obsession Episode Break Down

Yesterday a visitor to our website, CrystalLakeSlasher,  was curious what the individual episodes of Friday the 13th: The Obsession were going to be like. At the root of the question was the structure of the web series and how each episode would drive the story to its final conclusion. The question was asked in our forum and Timberwolf Entertainment answered with a very detailed breakdown of what we can expect!

From Timberwolf in our forum:
Director Joe Patnaud (Cold Heart Of Crystal Lake, F13: The Storm)will shoot episode 1, which opens at Camp Crystal Lake and is a big movie sequence with Jason and victims at camp. It's no secret that Jason is not real in this, so I won't be spoiling anything in saying this isn't exactly 'real' but part of the lead actresses imagination.

But, it will let fans know we are taking F13 100% seriously and showing you Jason right from the start, as well as 3 key lead characters so you can get to know them, and how they fit in the story.

After the sequence we see the lead in her home and everyday life, meet her best friend and let you know here world.

Episodes 2 and 3 intro all the characters and get you into the plot of "Amy's" world. We get to have some fun, have come comedic character moments, even some romantic stuff she she meets her new love.

4, 5 and 6 different elements come into play and start threatening her world. When this happens Jason begins to take control of her head and story wise make her become a masked killer.. to 'erase' her problems. But also as a visual and artistic thing, fans of the series will even see her very world around her 'become' F13, where you will see similar events from the actual series, with fun new twists. Kills, even characters behavior will sometimes mimic and mirror actual "F13" moments, with out own artistic flair.

For people who don't know F13 that will, it will simply be an exciting, and cool horror series with murders, sex, nudity, scares etc. But for hardcore fans, I think they will be in for a treat to see the world change.

Ep 6 actually takes place at a summer camp.

The final episode 7 is a big finale that i don't want to get to into... but its a fight to the finish.

Keep an eye out for more information as it is made available!


  1. I love the the fact that we are going to get a huge bloodbath at camp in the first episode! very cool guys. Looking forward to the premier!

  2. I think this could be the type of show that all of the people who grew up in the 80's wished was the ultimate Friday the 13th movie! Nudity, mass killings and slow motion co-ed volleyball. What could be better! :)

  3. Not so much a 'huge' blood bath, but a very personal and violent couple of kills with Jason as the number 1 star... but we will have a nice tent, a campfire and the whole 9 yards... actually while it was written LONG before the remake back in 1996... its kinda like a more personal (and more classic) version of the opening of the 2009 film.. now that I think about it.


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