Friday The 13th 2009 Reunion Happening This May!
It has been a long fifteen years for fans of the Friday The 13th films. In that time span, there has not been a single new film released. On the horizon, however, is a new prequel streaming series and a plethora of new projects. With that being said, the last film in the franchise has spawned its fair share of critics as well as ultra fans. It is rare to have a chance to meet the stars of Friday The 13th 2009, but this summer brings a new opportunity!

Meet the cast of FRIDAY THE 13th ('09) this Summer for the very first time together at Spooky Empire!
TRAVIS VAN WINKLE "Trent", WILLA FORD "Chelsea", AMANDA RIGHETTI "Whitney", ARLEN ESCARPETA "Lawrence", and AARON YOO "Chewie" join DEREK MEARS "Jason" at Spooky Empire May 17-19, 2024 in Orlando, FL!
The show runners also teased more announcements soon, so if you’re in Orlando that weekend it will be a great opportunity to meet a number of the stars of the 2009 film!
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