Friday The 13th 2009 Gets Retro Trailer It Kind Of Already Had

We love our VHS tapes don't we? The nostalgia of the golden age of video stores runs deep with a generation of movie goers that grew up renting tapes with the inevitable tracking problems. Remember when VHS machines didn't have the auto tracking feature? Well one talented fan is taking our love of the bygone home video media a step further by applying it to the most recent film in the franchise, Friday The 13th 2009.

The funny thing about applying a retro feel to the 2009 film trailer is that the original trailer already hearkened back to the roots of the franchise by adding the counting up to the number 13 seen in the trailers for Friday The 13th 1980 and Part 2. That being said, the retro trailer update by the Trailer Guy incorporates the voice-over work of the legendary Don LaFontaine as well as Harry Manfredini's iconic music score. Throw in some added tracking woes and voilà, retro trailer action.

 Watch this inventive trailer for the 2009 film below. Do you think the 2017 film should stylistically go this route, minus the static?

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