BRACKET CHALLENGE: Round 2, Mark vs Mrs. Voorhees
The Friday The 13th Bracket Challenge puts the iconic characters of the franchise against one another in a elimination contest where fans vote on who wins and who loses.....their limbs. There will be two match-ups added to the website each week and fans can decide on who they would like to see advance to the next round by adding your vote in our Comments section below. Voting ends every Saturday with results posted every Sunday.
Results of the game can be tracked at our Bracket Challenge Page at any time.

Pamela Voorhees dedicated her life to her mongoloid son Jason until he drowned at Camp Crystal Lake while the counselors weren't paying attention. In Friday The 13th 1980, she enacts her murderous revenge by killing camp owner Steve Cristie and his counselors while sporting multiple layers of clothing that include a poncho, flannel shirt and a sweater. Pamela also not only speaks to her dead son Jason, she also talks as her son too.
Mark is the loveable and right-minded counselor-in-training in Friday The 13th Part 2. His handicap keeps him wheelchair bound, but that doesn't stop his positive outlook on life and his uncanny ability to attract the ladies. Besides, Vickie only wants his fingers!
Results of the game can be tracked at our Bracket Challenge Page at any time.

Pamela Voorhees dedicated her life to her mongoloid son Jason until he drowned at Camp Crystal Lake while the counselors weren't paying attention. In Friday The 13th 1980, she enacts her murderous revenge by killing camp owner Steve Cristie and his counselors while sporting multiple layers of clothing that include a poncho, flannel shirt and a sweater. Pamela also not only speaks to her dead son Jason, she also talks as her son too.
Mark is the loveable and right-minded counselor-in-training in Friday The 13th Part 2. His handicap keeps him wheelchair bound, but that doesn't stop his positive outlook on life and his uncanny ability to attract the ladies. Besides, Vickie only wants his fingers!