The Mystery Of The Paul Holt Friday The 13th Part 2 DVD Photo

There is that long standing debate for which a great many fans are split almost down the middle pertaining to the life and death of one Camp Director named Paul Holt from Friday the 13th Part 2. A confusing ending to the film further frustrates fans when it comes to making a final determination on Paul's fate. That being said, one photo surfaced in 2009 that caused a little bit of a stir in this debate which was never fully brought out into the open.

The back cover of the 2009 Deluxe U.S. DVD release displays a peculiar image of Paul Holt (right side of back cover art below) where he looks to be either in some sort of pain or even worse! There has been forum chatter with regards to this photo with speculative explanations for the image. Is this some sort of a behind the scenes image that was snapped quickly by the crew? Is this a promotional image that was used early on for the film in 1981? Perhaps, this is some sort of lost image of a scene that was supposed to show Paul dead after his encounter with Jason?

Well, the mystery was cleared up by Crash Cunningham (Interview Here) a few years ago with this description of the image used below.

"This photo is one of a few that was taken on set during the filming of the end cabin sequence. Or more specifically, while they were blocking in or rehearsing the scene before the cameras rolled. Notice that John is wearing a jacket over his wardrobe to stay warm. According to other photos I have and production stories, John was quite a character on set. He's just goofing it up in this photo."

Below is the photo as seen on the back of the DVD cover as well as the actual photo from the set which shows actor John Furey in his now infamous pose!

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