David Grove Updates Friday The 13th 1980 Book

We learned a few weeks ago that author David Grove's new book, about the entire making of Friday The 13th 1980, has been tentatively titled On Location in Blairstown: The Making of Friday the 13th. David also informed us of some of the contents of his book, including the 85 page shooting script. He recently contacted us with a small update and is open to questions.

Along with updating us on the progress of the book, he also wants to listen to questions about the book and hopefully answer any lingering doubts or confusion on his new project for which he is offering the definitive look at the entire making of Friday The 13th 1980.

From Author David Grove
Just letting you know that I've finished the rough manuscript - about 100000 words, minus the appendix section - and I'm in the process of proofreading right now.

Listen, if you or your readers have any questions about the book, or what it'll go into, feel free to let me know.

This is a tremendous opportunity to find out about the contents of the book or just have your questions answered. Please leave your questions or comments below and we will make sure to make David aware and hopefully he will answer these in the comments section, or via email!

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