Friday The 13th: The Obsession, Episode 3: Love Is A Lie

Last week's Episode 2 of Friday The 13th: The Obsession showed us that our obsessed fan, Amy, doesn't like to be ignored or stood up and if she had it her way, her roommate would be talking to our friend Jason Voorhees. For now, he gets a pass, but something tells us he won't be around for very long!

Today, Episode 3: Love Is A Lie follows the burgeoning affair between Amy and her new female love interest Stephanie. This is the affair that will eventually lead Amy to take on the persona of her favorite slasher in a hockey mask. For the next few days fans will have to visit the link below to watch Episode 3, but on Monday 12.5.2011 the video will be hosted on our website going forward.

To watch other episodes, visit The Other Episodes

Watch Episode 3

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